Thursday 9 January 2014

Top 5 Stain Removal Tips For Carpet Cleaning

Carpet flooring enhances the beauty of a property. A clean and shiny carpet makes a good impression in front of guests and clients. Carpet looks good only if they are well maintained and are in good condition. A dirty carpet is a complete turn off. It bears maximum brunt of the foot traffic. Whether it is an office, home or a retail store, you will not be able to entertain clients, guests or customers unless you keep flooring clean. Bacteria accumulation in an office or house tends to increase if you do not pay attention to the regular cleaning of the carpet which leads to development of diseases. We are going to share with you some useful and essential tips for carpet cleaning. 

In order to remove the stain from the carpet effectively, you can use different methods depending on the type of stain. Blood and wine are the most difficult stains to remove. If you leave the stain on the carpet, it will set on it and would become more difficult to remove. Use water removal method to remove such stain. It is the most simple and effective method to remove tough stains.

1. To start the process, fill a spray bottle with cold water. Spray water all over the stain. Start from the edges first in order to stop spreading of the stain further. After this, use a dry cloth to absorb carpet moisture. Repeat this process unless the strain is removed. Dry the carpet using a fan. This process helps in removing the hard stain without damaging the carpet.

2. Second method is salt paste removal method. Salt is a great ingredient not only for recipes but also for removing tough stains. Prepare a salt paste by adding water to the salt to make a thin paste. Apply this paste on stain and allow it to set for few minutes. Using a clean cloth, blot the area. Make sure you don’t press do not. Repeat this until stain is removed. Using vacuum, remove the residual of the salt. You can even take expert help and retain professional carpet cleaning services.

3. If the stain is too hard and has been set on the carpet, use non-bleach detergent solution. It is mild on the carpet and does not damage carpet fabric. The process of applying is same as the salt paste method. Repeat the process until the stain is gone. Using vacuum, remove the residuals and dry the carpet completely.

4. Vinegar solution is also very effective for stain removal. Prepare the solution by adding four parts of water in one part of white vinegar. The mixture is ready to be used. You can either pour this mixture in a spray bottle for using it or directly apply in over the stain. Place a clean cloth over the stain followed by placing weight over it. Allow it to sit overnight. Next day, remove weight and cloth and dry the stain area using a vacuum.

5. Next method is about using Ammonium solution method. This is also very effective method to remove stain from the carpet. The process of applying the solution and removing it from the carpet is same. Although this method is good for removing stubborn carpet stain, but it may lead to fabric damage and color fade. Use this method as the last resort. You can also retain commercial cleaning services for better results. 

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