Wednesday 19 February 2014

Tips For Window Cleaning Services

Most of the people take professional cleaning services for floor, carpet, doors and windows for our commercial and residential properties. Professional janitorial cleaning services allow you to enjoy specialized cleaning services for doors and windows. While many of us take such services, how many of you follow basic care routine? Many companies provide basic window care tips after providing the services which helps in increasing its life span and keep it crystal clear clean for a long period of time. People commit the same mistake again and again by not following the basic care tips. 

Don’t you desire to have crystal clear windows like the ones you notice in commercial buildings or the ones provided by window cleaning services? Of course, everyone wants to have cleaned glasses to make their property look good from inside and outside as well. Here we provide you some simple solutions on how to achieve such looks and make your property look good. These are some simple home care tips in which you don’t waste extra money. 

Using Right Equipment – Window glasses are very sensitive and if mishandled, it could break easily. For cleaning sensitive glasses, you must use right tools. Prepare a window cleaning kit comprising of good quality and right equipments. Using squeegee is advisable for cleaning them. It is the most important equipment. There are varieties of squeegee available in market. Make sure you purchase good quality one.
Avoid washing in direct sunlight – Sunlight causes a lot of damage not only to us but also to our properties. Lot of heat is absorbed by the glass when the sunlight falls directly on it. If you wash it under the sun, it may cause streaking issues. 

Selection of cleaning agent – Choice of cleaning agent also makes a lot of difference. If you use strong detergent powder for cleaning purpose, quality of glass may deteriorate. Also, make sure you use a mild detergent or liquid detergent for cleaning purpose. It will be gentle on it and clean window glass without leaving any residue. Small amount of liquid detergent is recommended as it turns out to create good amount of lather. If used in excess may give you blur glasses. 

Home remedy – Home remedy is the best solution for any problem. The same applies with cleaning the windows as well. You can prepare a home-made solution for cleaning which is very effective. In order to prepare that, mix small amount of vinegar in lukewarm water. Blend it properly and apply it all over the glass. Using squeegee, rinse it with water. 

With these tips, we are sure you are going to get crystal clear windows and blinds as provided by commercial janitorial services. These tips would help in enhancing the good looks of your windows and you will manage to keep it clean for long period of time. 

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