Monday 17 February 2014

When Is The Best Time To Clean The Carpet?

Someday I randomly give it a thought of cleaning my carpet. With kids and pets at home, it becomes a necessity to regularly clean carpet. Some people suggest choosing particular season for cleaning carpets. It is very important to pay attention to its cleaning and maintenance after all it’s a long time investment. Dirt, sand, grease, food particles, liquid resulted in accumulation of bacteria and germs on the carpet. These particles make the fibers of the carpet dull and full of dirt. The fibers are susceptible to scarring if not followed proper cleaning method Apart from this, foot traffic makes carpet dull and dirty. I need to keep my carpet very clean and tidy as guests frequently visit my home. Only regular vacuuming does not help. In addition to vacuuming, organizing a day for carpet cleaning would help.

I chose fall as the best time for cleaning my carpets. Moreover, when my kids and pets are not around, it becomes easy for me to clean it. Also, experts recommend cleaning your carpet in every 6 months. Simple home care cleaning methods along with professional carpet cleaning services would increase the life span of carpet. I had always followed these simple rules for the maintenance of my carpet. Professional carpet cleaning services in every 6-12 months is highly recommended by experts. 

On the basis of my experience, I would like to share with you some basic tips for choosing the best time for carpet cleaning.  

For me, fall is the best time for carpet cleaning as I request my guests to remove their shoe. This decreases the amount of dirt and dust on my carpet and it becomes quite easy to clean it. I had invested a large sum of money on carpet. So I had to keep in it good condition and provide it good care and maintenance. So I planned to choose carpet cleaning Toronto services in winters.   

Frequently cleaning carpet damages its soft fibers. A minimum gap of 6 months is good for carpet care and maintenance. I prefer cleaning carpet on my own in case of any stain or liquids. You need to clean only the affected area. It is not necessary to clean the whole carpet. Just clean the affected area with dump cloth. It will save the permanent damage and increase the carpet life. 

Make sure you book commercial janitorial services when your kids and pet are not around. It becomes easy for professionals to clean the carpet. Moreover, it will also allow the carpets to dry completely.  
Considering the above mentioned factors will help you to save your carpet from permanent damage and increase its life span. 

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